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City Crowds

Develop Leadership

Hip Hop Girl

If people are truly the primary resource of a company, as most organizations assert, then they must be managed and developed like assets. Every person is like an individual portfolio with a strong potential for either managed growth or sub-par performance. We have the expertise, to “value” the at least partially opaque portfolio.


Whether we’re talking about the development of key contributors, the turnaround of potential derailers or career path development, there is one strategy that is more effective than any other.

Optimize One's Potential


Conduct a series of life-career interviews, assess the individual using an array of business-based psychological inventories and 360 tools which are computer analyzed. Forge a consensus on the development areas and the coaching objectives.


Deliver an in-depth, confidential debrief with the individual on assessment findings. Highlight limiting tendencies and origins of developmental gaps. Clarify inner motivators for change and inner resistances to it. Harness and neutralize. Synthesize into a Blueprint for Action.


Enlist one or some as behavior-change partners. Debrief candidate’s manager and involve them in the Blueprint for Action. Begin trying new behaviors during real-time, day-to-day work life, then refine with coach.


Regularly monitor and assess progress to recalibrate the Blueprint for Action. Continuously add new skills, attitudes, and behaviors to maximize performance and protect against downside risk.

Indiana | Ohio | Kentucky | North Carolina | Florida
1.513.402.2282 | | Copyright 2023

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